
There's nothing these supra-national organizations would love more than the kind of powers "The Party" had in 1984.

That novel should be required reading, yearly, by everyone of voting age.

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I have no idea how to get a hold of you so I figured I’d try this.

I am all over everything about everything (aside from sports because I just don’t care. Sorry.) you speak about. I don’t have the means to do what you, do nor do I have the audience. Instead, I like to think of myself of as a “matchmaker.” I find all kinds of people, doing the same thing, and know who could help each other and reach out to put people together.

That being said, I think you and Shadoe Davis sould consult. He just announced today that he’s expanding his reach (I’m really hoping my nagging means podcasts!!!) He only does fb lives atm.

Your Substacks are impeccable and so appreciated. He could use that kind of help. He admittedly said he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Lol. So help would be great because his voice also needs to get out.

You could benefit from him because he also has a same perspective as you and also comes across other hot topics that you may have not or may have not had time for.

The two of you would be a perfect team. At the very least, it’s another like-minded brain.

I’m going to find a way to contact him with a similar message as well. He seems to respond to fb messages but I’m in jail atm. Lol. Oops (Facts don’t care about feelings. 🤷🏻‍♀️)

I’m going to provide you his link and mine (so you know I’m not a troll. Lol. 😜). See below. I’ll be outta jail soon and will comment to him about you as well.





Thank you for all you do!!! You get me through my work day!

Amanda MacLean.

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Funny, I just started re-reading 1984 yesterday. George Orwell was a genius & warned us back in 1949 about Big Brother. Today, we need people like you to keep reminding us that we can't fall for propaganda & can't allow those in power to scare us so much (using our own biggest fears & nightmares) that they can take complete control of us. Every time I hear the word "global" my ears perk up & I shutter. Thanks!

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Hi Amanda, thanks for reaching out.

I'm always happy to connect with likeminded people!

I'll reach out on FB and touch base there.

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