Big Brother Is Watching
A Look Into The World Of The Global Online Censorship AI The WEF Wants To Forward
Imagine, if you will, a world where the evils of disinformation and misinformation were eliminated from the internet. One where only right-think is permitted and wrong-think is cut off at the root.
What if I told you it could be done in a way that's fully automated, and what's even better, catches those who would perpetrate it BEFORE they even did so!
Now you've got a glimpse into the world the WEF is working to facilitate as was illuminated in a recent post on their website.
But, don’t take my word for it. Check out the article below that goes into the details of this idea that not only has merit, but is endorsed by the WEF on their website:
Centralized censorship
This proposal, in summery, would implement a global version of what the social media platforms already use internally to track, censor and ban anything they deem to be harmful or that goes against their opaque “Terms and Conditions”.
What that would do would be to globalize a stand alone arbiter of censorship over the entire internet at large!
The AI planned to handle this gargantuan task, is one that would be preloaded with parameters by a human, but then (essentially), be let loose to go and collect all the wrong doers.
If that’s not scary enough in itself, the way AIs like this work is they find and recognise patterns that we can’t even notice. Then, driven by their directives, start hauling in people off all platforms that they think have or MAY in the future break these internet guidelines to each platform’s (also automated) review system for punishment.
Pattern recognition has already been implemented in other industries to effect, and have been suggested (by the WEF and others) to be brought into the medical arena to replace doctors as diagnostic tools.
Take, for example, this article from the NIH itself on the matter written a year ago:
Artificial Intelligence in Disease Diagnosis
But, if this were to be brought to fruition in a way that breaks through the borders of major platforms in the way that the WEF and world organizations break through the borders of countries to make sweeping, global dictates… at THAT point, all the power that’s been used and abused over the pandemic by big tech is squarely and forever in the hands of the WEF at a unilateral, global scale.
And in the information war we exist in today, that simply CANNOT be allowed to happen.
~ Drew Weatherhead
Listen to the podcast episode below:
The Social Disorder Podcast - Big Brother Is Watching
There's nothing these supra-national organizations would love more than the kind of powers "The Party" had in 1984.
That novel should be required reading, yearly, by everyone of voting age.
I have no idea how to get a hold of you so I figured I’d try this.
I am all over everything about everything (aside from sports because I just don’t care. Sorry.) you speak about. I don’t have the means to do what you, do nor do I have the audience. Instead, I like to think of myself of as a “matchmaker.” I find all kinds of people, doing the same thing, and know who could help each other and reach out to put people together.
That being said, I think you and Shadoe Davis sould consult. He just announced today that he’s expanding his reach (I’m really hoping my nagging means podcasts!!!) He only does fb lives atm.
Your Substacks are impeccable and so appreciated. He could use that kind of help. He admittedly said he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Lol. So help would be great because his voice also needs to get out.
You could benefit from him because he also has a same perspective as you and also comes across other hot topics that you may have not or may have not had time for.
The two of you would be a perfect team. At the very least, it’s another like-minded brain.
I’m going to find a way to contact him with a similar message as well. He seems to respond to fb messages but I’m in jail atm. Lol. Oops (Facts don’t care about feelings. 🤷🏻♀️)
I’m going to provide you his link and mine (so you know I’m not a troll. Lol. 😜). See below. I’ll be outta jail soon and will comment to him about you as well.
Thank you for all you do!!! You get me through my work day!
Amanda MacLean.