Thank you for this great substack.

God bless us each and every one in the new year.


Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.

Mathew 5:6

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Drew Weatherhead

It is humbling.......to see yourself, be able to look long at who you are. But against the throws of suppression, propaganda and tyranny, I lost a lot of hero’s.

I still love them, but know I cannot follow them.

I have new hero’s now, on the forums, and Videos. Still filtering.

Appreciating all who live here.

Thank you!

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For as bad as the last few years seemed, it wasn't really bad. It was hard! No denying that. But it was a great big red pill for many, myself included, who are now awake in a world gone woke.

I am thankful that I got to see where world governments, and our government in Canada in particular, are going so that I can start to prepare for the coming storm.

Pre-fake-pandemic I used to meet with friends and talk about sports or the weather. Now that friends list has changed and the people that we connect with are real friends who talk about real things. Like health (physical and mental), psyops, communism, history, family, and, maybe most importantly, FREEDOM!

Keep going on your substack and podcast Drew. As a fellow Albertan I agree with much of what you say, and am glad you are getting it out to the public.

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You will not have to think about this for too long. Do you recall the when the last time the unemployment rate in Alberta was 5.8%, and in Quebec it was 4%, the lowest in the country?



• Nfld. & Labrador 10.1%

• P.E.I. 5.6%

• Nova Scotia 6.7%

• New Brunswick 8.1%

• Québec 4%

• Ontario 5.3%

• Manitoba 4.4%

• Saskatchewan 4.1%

• Alberta 5.8%

• British Columbia 4.2%


• Inflation 6.8%

• National Debt $1.1 trillion



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The College of Psychologists of Ontario made a huge mistake when it declared War on Jordan Peterson. Many will now view this as an attack on them, and will respond appropriately to that.




Each year the equivalent of a small town dies from Tobacco use, and mRNA gene therapy. Do you recall how long government and public health agencies hid the lie about tobacco, and the inability of mRNA shots to slow the spread of COVID-19 ???



Part Two: The Coronation by Charles Eisenstein – Why ‘safety’ is so dangerous







Part One: The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattis Desmet





A SOLUTION – If all else fails there is a very viable solution. Consider what the outcome of a Referendum would be if it did not include Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, or Vancouver. The Rural-Urban divide is greater than the one between West and East.




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I do agree that people discovered who and what they really are throughout this pandemic. The majorities are still aimlessly walking around void of emotions or feeling. You can see it in the eyes. ..no smiles. No life in eyes...sad to discover you've been " hallow" ..it is an eye opener for sure but only for the " followers" ..the rest of us who have kept our eyes and ears open have enough smarts to think and act for ourselves

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Throughout the pandemic I walked around without my mask and gave my best smile to each and every individual I crossed paths with knowing it might be the only smile they saw that day!

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