I enjoyed reading this as it caused me to think. I do know some of the men responsible for writing the Declaration of Independence were just ordinary men who had fought a battle before writing it. I understand some were dedicated to God and some were not. They had been pursuing happiness. They fought through a war that was that was to revolutionize a whole new world. I don’t know if all of their pursuits were fulfilling or not. What they did note was that if our own pursuits did not follow God and His instructions this country would fail. I think we need to follow those instructions in our own lives or any pursuit or fulfillment of happiness will fail in our lives as well. My life is not perfect but I know the one who is perfect and as long as I rejoice in what I’m given my life is fulfilled and my happiness is made full.

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Ah, what a deep subject. Sometimes I think life is as simple as eating a big bag of potato chips.

You enjoy each crunchy bite while wiping away the grease & salt -- until you are full. Most of the time those individual bites are much more pleasurable than the stuffed feeling at the end. xoxo

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I think it’s all about feeling good about what you do, knowing you did your best to move forward in life, in helping others, in organization, in work you choose, in relationships. It is really a pursuit of smaller goals turning into bigger goals no matter what deity you pray to. Self help creates growth in that direction until you can see all viewpoints that create things.

I just hate being lied to. How do you solve a lie? At their core humans are basically good, except for the bloodsucking adrenochrome chasing pedaphilic bastards. They are not part of this consciousness and have to go. ... no redemption there.

It is a pursuit of happiness.

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Thanks for the reminder. I pre-ordered the book and just noticed it is now in my Kindle library, looking forward to reading it and no doubt learning a few things.

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