After the CDC has now come forth with "new guidelines" regarding vaccine status recommendations moving forward that places vaxxed and unvaxxed on level ground for the first time in the pandemic, it's time to check out receipts.
The following is a short, but to the point, rundown of some of the misinformed, arrogant and discriminatory rules, slander and hatred spewed by the very people and powers that in the end now “allow” us to return to polite society.
June 2021 Forbes: What Are We Going To Do With The Anti-Vaxxers
July 2021: Anger Spreads Against COVID-19 Anti-vaxxers As Cases Rise
August 2021 UPROXXX: Doctor Advocates For Denying Anti-Vaxxers Major Medical Treatments
Sept. 2021 Daily Trojan: Should We Be Helping Anti-Vaxxers At All
Sept. 2021: Howard Stern “Anti-Vax Idiots Should Die With Covid”
Howard Stern says anti-vax ‘idiots’ should ‘die with COVID’
“We have no time for idiots in this country anymore. We don’t want you… stay home, die there with your COVID. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your COVID when you finally get it. Stay home, don’t bother with science, it’s too late.”
December 2021: Anti-Vaxxers Tend To Be Uneducated And Ignorant
Also, many MANY more articles and blue check tweets.
WAY more than can ever be posted in this entry:
Not to mention, the countless articles written with glee on when "anti-vaxxers" died from/with covid.
There was, in fact, an entire sub-reddit for the collection of people who were against the vaccine that died of covid. They had an award for it called the Herman Cain Award.
The HermanCainAward has some rules. Nominees for the award must have made public anti-vaccine or anti-mask statements and must be very ill or have died from complications of coronavirus
Of course, all of this looks not only ridiculous and myopic when looking back on them now. I mean, NONE of these aged well for the super-vaccine crowd. And at the very least, they look like vindictive and petty snakes all too eager to shelf all their woes onto the black sheep of society as the establishment directed them to.
But now, where are the articles of all vaccinated people dying of covid?
Do they now have their own sub-reddit? What’s the name of that award
If you were among the people who didn’t have to go through the pandemic unvaccinated, here’s a quicl short list of things you missed out on:
If you were unvaccinated in Canada you were:
Blamed by the Gov for everything since
Vax rolloutVillianized by MSM
Not allowed: in restaurants, movies, stadiums, on planes, trains, ferries.
Were fired from essential jobs
Weren't allowed in schools/universities
Weren't allowed at family gatherings, holidays, weddings, funerals
Were not even allowed to flee after November 2021
Had discriminatory, punitive restrictions regarding testing and quarantines long after everyone knew that everyone, including vaccinated people, could carry and transmit it.
Now that we are told (via CDC guidance) that we’re all equal again, will we see anyone who villainized the unvaccinated ask forgiveness or attempt to repent for an ugly and vengeful recent past they empowered?
Even more to the point, will the unvaccinated even accept it if they did??
Personally, I'm apt to forgive, but not forget.
A lot of people and powers have lost my trust, and that will take a hell of a lot of effort from any of them willing to work for it back, to get.
~ Drew Weatherhead
Listen to the episode below:
The Social Disorder Podcast - The Receipts