Before I get going…
Before I get into the post, a little house keeping on this substack.
I realize I haven’t been as active as I am usually of late. So, firstly, my apologies for not staying active. In the real world, things have been crazy with my wife getting stuck in the egregious Albertan hospital system for 2 weeks. Then a ton of extra stress and re-planning to attempt to get our cumulative unvaccinated butts across the American border south with our family and home-on-wheels in tow much later in the year than we wanted to originally.
All that to say, she is out and healthy, we are across the border despite our vaccine status and America’s senseless border mandates that still stand; and we are en route to the land of cowboys, brisket and freedom - Texas!
One last thing to mention (that I probably should have a long time ago) is, if you’re ONLY following the substack for each episode, the podcast is actually an EVERY weekday deal!
I release 5 new episodes a week from Monday to Friday, but only recently realized there could be hundreds of people who only know me from this substack. So… if that’s you, good news and bad news: Good news is there’s lots of killer episodes you’ve missed! Bad news is, there’s LOTS of killer episodes you need to catch up on!
You can find them simply by searching for The Social Disorder Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
There are worse things in life than being overly informed/entertained… so, I won’t apologize for that. But… using that as my segue, lets talk about who SHOULD be apologizing who conspicuously isn’t right now.
The Article
Here we have it.
The moment we’ve all been waiting for.
The moment where people who represent outlets who (and who themselves) pandered, espoused and proliferated hateful, harmful and downright evil lies, mistruths and disinformation towards and upon us are going to humbly ask us for our forgiveness so we can all heal and move on.
But wait…
When you finish reading this article (linked in the image above) you may be wondering if you missed the part where the author, Professor Emily Oster, or the Atlantic put forth any sort of apology or semblance of accountability for their words and actions levied against us over the past 3 years.
And, you wouldn’t be wrong in assuming it must have been lacking altogether. Because it absolutely and conspicuously was!
The Internet Never Forgets
Unfortunately for Emily and the Atlantic, and fortunately for everyone on our side of the scales, the above article was met with a torrential onslaught of internet backlash from the MILLIONS of people who don’t forget and won’t be gaslit out of their apology owed by someone who took part in mocking unvaccinated people and their families who died from COVID. (Oh yes she did).
Someone who suggested vaccinated family members should shun and ostracize their unvaccinated kin until they succumbed to familial peer pressure. Who suggested that pregnant women should get vaccinated to pass on the immunity to their unborn children in the womb. Something that was never tested in Pfizer’s phase 3 trials on humans, only ever on about a dozen rats. And something that looks more and more like it could be a direct correlate to shockingly lowered birthrates in several highly vaccinated, first world countries since.
Emily, it would appear, has a LOT to gain from her proposed pandemic amnesty. While she would walk away with a proverbial get out of jail free card, those whom she slandered, belittled and held down over the previous years (she presumes) should be happy to clear the slate and call it water under the bridge.
The. Internet. Does. Not. Forget.
So much so, that MAINSTREAM articles out of Australia are calling foul on her proposal in lengthy detail (link in image):
She receives absolutely No quarter from popular YouTube comedian and public commentator The Quartering in the below rant that calls back to some of the most unforgettable, and perhaps unforgivable, statements Oster had unabashedly posted throughout the pandemic.
The Actual Way Forward
No, Atlantic. Whoops is not going to cut it.
Sorry, Emily. There will not be, nor should there be, any amnesty given.
The way I look at it, there are two tiers of people who were in the wrong that need to be sorted at this stage.
Those who were responsible and who willingly, knowingly, maliciously carried out all of the many and horrific breaches on human liberty and freedom that lead to the Pandora’s box of evils released upon us all.
Those who were tricked and manipulated into joining the mass formation that empowered the aforementioned perpetrators to fulfill their ends.
The first group deserve absolutely nothing but criminal retribution for their crimes upon humanity leading up to, during and long after the pandemic.
The flames of hell wait patiently for them to join the worst of the human race.
As for the second group, where most people (Emily included) reside, there is a path forward. One that just may lead to healing and a better tomorrow in the sense that The Atlantic wrongfully suggested this pandemic amnesty would. It begins with an admission of wrongful actions and includes a contrite apology for the harms that came from them.
I, personally, have space for people like that. I never burned my side of that bridge. It ignited from theirs. But, as the analogy would suggest, reparation will involve work on their end.
What simply is NOT possible, is any sort of healing without a grain of accountability while simultaneously presuming forgiveness should be an expected foregone conclusion.
Forgiveness is earned and should be humbly sought.
But, no one will, or should, forget.
~ Drew Weatherhead
Listen to the full podcast episode:
The Social Disorder Podcast: No Atlantic. Whoops Isn’t Good Enough.
NO DEALS, NO AMNESTY! This was huge what they did. Suppressing treatments so they could have the experimental vax forced on people in the name of an 'emergency'. Most people can't get their head around what really happened. It was mass murder.
At the end of every science article related to COVID, especially, you read this "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation." Chan Zuckerberg is Mark Zuckerberg's wife and obviously tied to Facebook which is not a medical authority. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is connected to the J&J vaccine...conflict of interest?? This organization is also funding vaccine projects......We also received $46,369 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in this quarter. SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.