Meanwhile Down-Under...
How're things going lately in one of the highest percentage vaccinated countries on earth?
Not Great It Seems
We’ve covered many different aspects of the pandemic on the Social Disorder Podcast over the past 10 months. One of the comparison points we often came back to in that time was Australia.
Now-a-days, Australia touts some of the highest vaccination numbers in the first world, estimating up to 98% of their entire population with a minimum of 1 dose.
Their social and political blanketing of propaganda has been a sight to see. And not even some of the world’s largest protests against lockdowns and mandates seemed to clue their one-tracked government’s mind in the possibility that their measures maybe weren’t the best thing they’ve ever done/demanded…
So, where is Australia now, so highly vaccinated and currently out of their cold a flu season where everyone should be enjoying all the benefits of their vaccine immunity across the country:
(link to article in the image below)
Despite everything their citizens did to protect themselves, each other and their society through draconian measure and the best that science had to offer (they were told), here they are in another massive wave of infections across the population!
Every single variant to blame right now is some form of “vaccine escape variant”.
Go figure…
What luck for the virus. What a fluke that they ALL ended up beating the vaccine. Some may even come to the conclusion that they were aided in that effort by
Loading everyone up with the same, solitary immune response to the viral onslaught.
Dumbing down, weakening and burning out the immune systems of the population as a whole at the same time by overly requiring a dangerous and anti-effective treatment as the only resort.
They’re Starting To Admit We Were Right
The good/way-too-late news is that the Aussie Gov has just now realized they were wrong/dumb/evil and are unironically advising the SAME PEOPLE they advised to get super-duper vaccinated to NOT get the next booster because the benefits are eclipsed by the risks…
(link to article in image below)
That’s right. You heard it there last.
The last turtle crosses the line to what WE have been screaming from the rooftops for the better part of two years.
But now, the very people who demonized, ostracized and ridiculed us for stating EXACTLY what they now say are going to unabashedly talk about risk/benefit analysis as if they haven’t been unilaterally requiring and threatening their countrymen to onboard the VERY SAME treatment multiple times a year for near two calendar years…
Is this a win? I have mixed feelings.
But, I guess at the very least, that 2% who held out against all odds can hold their heads a little higher and puff their chest a bit further in public now while everyone else gets to scratch their heads and wonder where all the common sense they were assured they had went to all of a sudden.
~ Drew Weatherhead
Listen to the full podcast episode below:
The Social Disorder Podcast: Meanwhile Down Under
I just  listened to this podcast and read the counter signal article. From that article, I clicked on the link to go to the official Australian document, and I could not find anywhere in that document the recommendation you talked about for people under 40 not to receive mRNA vaccines. 
Are you able to find the section of the Australian document that recommends this?