The Time Is Nigh
For those of you who’ve been waiting and asking and wondering when the info from the previous article would be available… REJOICE!
And for those who missed it, read this article below:
Keys To The Vault
I’m going to make it short, sweet, and to the point… I’ve got a link that will take you, not only right to the data that’s been forced by federal court to be publicly available, BUT, to a user friendly interface for everyone to view it through!
If you’re one of those stats junkies out there, this is one of the rare opportunities to look under the hood of a previously proprietary MOUNTAIN of data being guarded by the CDC.
So, I’ll save your time reading this and let you spend it browsing that. (you will need to enter your email to gain access to the tool)
Enter the V-Safe Vault by clicking through the image below:
I’ve started an account with “Buy Me a Coffee”!
Buy Me a Coffee is a platform that allows fans and supporters of content like this to send some loose change to their favorite content creators. Basically saying “Thanks for what you do, have a coffee on me.”.
Clearly, they don’t send me actual coffee, but if you feel the urge, the link below makes it extremely easy to casually send $5 my way as a thanks.
Every penny is deeply appreciated by me and my family, and god bless everyone who has the means and inclination to do so! (click the image below)
~ Drew Weatherhead
It won't matter when this happens.....