A Pandemic Retrospective
Looking Back On The Last Few Years, Knowing What We Know Now, Changes A Lot Of What We May Remember From Those Times
They say hindsight is 20/20. And that seems to apply even to the pandemic.
We're gonna take a bit of a stroll down memory lane on the pandemic with the benefit of hindsight, and see what becomes more clear to the eye knowing what we know now.
Before I get into it though, the reason this has been on my mind is due to two amazing efforts of chronicling this period that I’ve enjoyed lately:
A recent documentary: Uninformed Consent. Available to watch free here.
And the new book from Dr. Peter McCullough: The Courage To Face Covid-19 available here.
You may wonder why I’m starting in 2019 and not 2020… well, part of that was made much clearer through this retrospective look. Even if the forthcoming pandemic wasn’t on our radars yet at the time.
October: Event 201
If you haven’t heard of Event 201, by all means go look it over here: Event 201
The short story is that it was a simulation run and funded in part by the WEC and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation two months before the pandemic began in China.
In this simulation, they mock out a near exact scenario to the upcoming pandemic complete with a novel coronavirus, a media campaign the stop disinformation and a vaccine to save us!
I’ll remind you, this was two MONTHS before the Chinese outbreak…
November: Workers from Wuhan lab fall ill
Rumors got around long after this point-in-time that point to a small number of workers from the Wuhan Institute for Virology getting sick and going home from work, some of them infected their spouses who then died shortly there after.
This hasn’t been fully confirmed, but what out of China has?
December: China outbreak
Well… I guess that was.
Clips and images of people falling down in the streets with a mysterious illness don’t seem to make sense now considering we’ve all had covid and I don’t know anyone who was that dramatic about it.
January: Korea outbreak in church
Korea goes into lockdown as patient zero infects a church gathering.
February: Italy outbreak makes news
One of the scariest views of the incoming pandemic of the time, as Italy gets crushed by this new disease.
We would only later learn that due to the density of what was a largely aging society, Italy was more primed than most other societies for a bad run with this disease. And it would turn into a worst case scenario that few other places on earth would mimic throughout the rest of the pandemic.
But, we couldn’t have known that then.
March: North America locks down
Everyone in North America was introduced to things like “two weeks to flatten the curve”, “lockdowns” and “social distancing”.
All of which would prove to be utterly useless in every way to arrest the spread and would, in fact, drive all of the developed world into a personal, economic, and mental catastrophe for nothing.
By April: work has begun on vaccines
At this point, whispers of a vaccine in the distant future were being heard. 12-16 months out they said. It would turn out to be completed that calendar year!
At this same time, honest doctors in some places were already starting to find off label pharmaceuticals that could help people recover from their covid-19 infections!
But those would wind up getting squelched in short order…
Summer in the new normal
A Summer of masks, staying at home, social distancing and hyper-vigilance would be the new normal in many large city spaces as everyone was trying their best to avoid the invisible boogeyman.
Fall lockdowns
Which… would turn out to also be for naught as most of North America would plunge into another and more totalizing lockdown as the weather started to turn and case rates rose.
Never mind the fact that people were given no guidance or clinical options besides “If you catch it, stay home. If you can’t breath, go to emergency.”.
October: Trump gets Covid
This is only interesting to the total pandemic narrative in that in his case, Trump decided to beat covid-19 with the very off label drugs some doctors were using with great effect and against the wishes of the FDA.
Due to him receiving hydroxychloroquine and recovering quickly, the media and the FDA made SURE to villainize this drug so that no one would want to use it. And those who still did, couldn’t get it.
December: vaccine promise - 95% safe & effective!
Word from the phase 3 clinical trials of Pfizer’s new wonder cure drop, and claim a 95% safe and effective result using this brand new mRNA technology.
Later, court compelled documents, would cast incredible doubt on the validity and integrity of these studies.
The data from which was attempted to be hidden for 75 years… by the FDA!
January: Vaccine scramble begins
The mad dash begins for everyone who’s been eagerly awaiting this miracle treatment and people line up to get the shot that will end the pandemic for them and the ones they love.
An important time clock is set into motion though, that none of these people know at this point…
This miracle cure has a 4-6 month window of effect that will become a critical issue 6 months from now when Delta hits the scene.
April: Vaccines available to all adults
Every adult who wants one in most first world nations can have these shots.
This is also the point when the vaccine injuries incurred by the first adopters are starting to pile up and promptly be dismissed as those people are completely gaslit into believing it couldn’t possibly be the vaccine.
June: Vaccine herd immunity push
The push for “herd immunity” is the new narrative. But only so far as vaccine uptake is concerned. Natural immunity at this time is considered fake news and conspiracy propaganda.
As it turns out, somewhere around 50% of the US would have already had and recovered from covid-19 at this point, which realistically would have only required 20% of the rest of people to get vaccinated to reach their all-important 70% herd immunity metric.
But, it wasn’t about immunity at all. It was completely about vaccination.
At this point, the carrot was the coercive method of choice.
Be it a free burger, case of beer, firearm or a shot at a million dollars!
Please please please, just take the damn shot!!
July: Delta takes over
At this point in the pandemic, the gloves come off at the governmental level.
They’ve had enough of this free choice and bodily autonomy and are now out to fully blame the unvaccinated for every woe that remains in this pandemic including the pandemic itself.
Never mind the fact that many of the quarter 1 vaccinated people were coming off their synthetic immune bump from the vaccines at a time when Delta was wrecking shop.
The numbers would perpetually show that it was all a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And almost everyone would believe them.
September: Joe Rogan gets Covid
(Note: The image above was doctored by MSM to make Rogan look much more ill than he was in the video this still was taken from [available on his Instagram page])
The most popular unvaccinated person on earth catches covid and the world media collectively screeches as his takes monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D to fully recover in under 5 days.
The news would narrow in on ivermectin as a “horse de-wormer” completely disregarding the fact that it is a human drug as well. And in fact, it was the human product that Joe took.
Never the less, the smear campaign was on and no amount of real world results could convince the world of the potential for this nobel prize winning, highly safe and off patent drug may have as an outpatient or even a prophylactical option.
November: Canadian flight mandates
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes good on a campaign promise that got him re-elected in September to banish unvaccinated people from being able to fly on planes, domestically or abroad.
Essentially trapping between 15-20% of his population within the Canadian border like a pseudo-Berlin wall.
Recent court documents have reveled that there was in fact NO scientific backing or rational for these mandates that would last for 8+ months. We still await findings to peg down exactly who made the call to implement them anyways… but we all know more or less who it was:
December: Joe Biden winter of illness and death for the unvaccinated
Continuing the American side of the war against the unvaccinated, President Joe Biden minced no words when it came to his feelings about how he saw the upcoming cold a flu season playing out for them.
In an almost karmic fashion, this turned out NOT to be the case and in fact turned out to be the exact OPPOSITE of reality.
As the incoming omicron wave would prove to be the chickens coming home to roost for a population that considered it sound logic to mass vaccinate during a live pandemic.
The vaccine escape variant would turn out to do exactly that, and would become the scorn of all people regardless of vaccine status.
Nevertheless, he and many other leaders stuck to their guns in December of 2021 as they fired or put on unpaid leave, any government, medical, police, military, first responder or airline pilots who had not gotten vaccinated.
All of which would queue up the obvious and inevitable labor shortages in all of those fields coming into 2022.
January: Omicron Ba.1 wave
And omicron would do what omicron would come to be know to do… infect everyone out there.
But, while the biological side of the pandemic persisted, the social side of the pandemic was about to hit an inflection point in Canada.
On January 22nd as a movement began from the west coast and picked up steam across the country to condense at the nation’s capital, Ottawa.
This movement would start a cascade of dodge and deflect from the seated leader of the country who, for 3 weeks straight, would avoid every opportunity to speak with the protesters.
Though, he would NEVER miss an opportunity to speak about them:
February: Bill Gates "Omicron wild vaccine"
Bill Gates, one of the people involved in funding the now infamous Event 201 that started this whole article, would come out and lament the fact that due to omicron’s high transmissibility and low virulence, it was a better vaccine than the vaccines themselves!
All the while well the media persisted in the fantasy that natural immunity was tantamount to a fairytale.
February 14th arrives and those pesky protesters on his front lawn haven’t left yet… so, Trudeau enacts a God-like act reserved for only the most dire occasions - like World Wars - called the Emergencies Act.
This, after giving him totalitarian reign over the entire country, was used to physically beat the peaceful protesters out of the capital, while simultaneously freezing the bank accounts of anyone he deemed a convoy supporter.
Again, through time and legal discovery, this was found to have NOT been requested by the RCMP or the Ottawa police as was continually asserted by the Liberal government.
Who made the call and for exactly what reason is as yet a mystery as all the parties you’d like to ask are hiding behind “cabinet confidentiality”.
April: Vaccinated no longer have to test or quarantine coming back into Canada
In another shockingly illogical move, the Canadian Government lifted the requirement for people to have a negative test and to quarantine upon re-entry into the country (which had been the norm the whole pandemic), and on April 4th, made that only the case for unvaccinated people.
In one fell swoop both punishing the unvaccinated citizens while simultaneously proclaiming they’re fine with vaccinated people coming in with, and spreading, covid upon arrival.
June: US blocks unvaccinated foreigners from flying in
In an equally confusing and shocking move, the US Government decided on the 13th to prevent unvaccinated foreigners (they cannot deny entry to citizens regardless of vaccine status) from being able to fly into the country. Which was never the case before that and made even less sense now considering the environment of omicron we all live in.
In a comically dark joke, Canada decided to suspend their 8 month ban on unvaccinated citizens from flying one week later on the 20th of June.
August: CDC updates covid guidance
And finally, to catch up to the month we’re in… the CDC recently updated their covid guidance to basically put vaccinated and unvaccinated people on par with each other so far as health policy in concerned.
Whether the US will follow their trend of making their policies match the CDC guidance is yet to be seen. But, we’ve come a hell of a long way from where we started… that’s for sure.
~ Drew Weatherhead
Listen to the full podcast episode below:
The Social Disorder Podcast: A Pandemic Retrospectiv